A successful launch is a crucial component of building long-term success for your law firm. Both lead generation and your community’s perception of your authority depend on a strong start. While there are many avenues in which to promote your firm’s launch, you’ll need to determine which will be most effective. Traditional methods include news releases, announcement letters and print advertising. More modern, digital marketing tactics involve social media and web advertising.

So how do you market your firm to result in a strong launch, and subsequently, a substantial list of leads? Let’s take a look at the top marketing tools to create a successful launch.

Your Firm’s Website

A professionally designed website goes a long way in communicating your brand to the public. You’ll need to include valuable content to engage potential clients and establish your expertise in your practice area. Within your site, include targeted landing pages to communicate specific marketing messages to your audience. When potential clients are looking for more information about your firm, your website is likely the first place they’ll look.

Your LinkedIn Profile

LinkedIn has over 111 million members in the United States alone. As the number one social media website for professionals, it is imperative that you have a detailed LinkedIn profile. Not only can you network with potential referral sources here, but you can establish your authority in your area of practice, too.


Valuable blog posts not only build trust with your audience, but they also establish you as an authority in your field. When you provide potential clients with relevant content, they know they can come to you for expert advice when they need it. Through your blog, you can also target your ideal clients by creating content that is specific to their needs.

Your Facebook Page

With over a billion active users, Facebook is an invaluable tool for communicating with your target audience. A Facebook page connects you to a vast audience, and Facebook advertising can yield impressive results for your firm. Many people expect that all businesses will have a Facebook page, and creating one can make interacting with your audience much more manageable.

Email Marketing

Email marketing is one of the top-performing tactics to reach a target audience. Whether you want to target potential clients or your entire professional network, email is one to way to stand out in front of them. Email marketing providers like MailChimp and Constant Contact make the process easy to implement and very efficient.

News Releases

A news release or bylined article establishes you as an authority in your area of practice. Print media continues to be a valuable marketing tool, especially for older generations, so don’t neglect to add it to your marketing arsenal. You’ll want a balanced mix of traditional and modern marketing techniques to reach the widest audience possible.

If you’ve gathered one thing from this list, it is that content is key. In the marketing world, the saying, “content is king” is thrown around frequently, and that is because it’s true. Valuable content will attract and retain high-quality clients, so you must always provide consistent, relevant information that targets your ideal audience. To maximize each of these marketing tools, you must provide useful content, and when you do, you’ll see the substantial returns content marketing can generate.

To help you begin your law firm’s marketing process, enlist the help of legal marketing professionals. Marketing4Legal has experience marketing for law firms in a variety of ways, including digital marketing, social media, and web design. Contact us to learn more about our services.

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